
Fucking Corn-cob Unicorns

I've learned the easiest way to lose all interest in a blog.
You just need to:
  1. Start for the wrong reasons. Open your blog thinking it will turn into some quick cash through ads. Or; do it because some people get women this way.
  2. Don't go into it with a plan. The easiest way to not post, is by not having anything to post about or by having so much to post, that you cant post it because you've established what your theme will be -too late- and now that shit don't fit.
  3. Think that you'll be hot shit and everyone will want to return your your blog in particular. Be cocky.
  4. Check your followers every hour. The count will go up so fucking slow, you will most likely turn on yourself, thinking everyone believes that you're stupid. There is no way this will ever pay out enough for me to buy a new computer.
  5. Get high too often and lose your train of thought, so you can't really make decent posts anyhow.

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